
News from Lally Decorators, Commercial Painting and Decorating Company in Dublin

What is the Difference Between a Painter and a Handyman?


A handyman is somebody who can do lots of tasks to a mediocre standard and generally has no formal training in a specific field.

Handyman generally pick their skills up as they go along whereas a painter or painting contractor is a specialist. They are expert in painting all types of buildings, using a range of products and working in a range of conditions.

Qualified painters spend four years completing a structured apprenticeship scheme where they work under the guidance of an experienced, competent and qualified painter which attending classroom based formal training blocks.

Other differences include

1 - A handyman will manage simple straightforward painting jobs whereas a qualified painter will manage any type of project

2 - A handyman will never match the quality of finish a painter leaves behind

3 - A painter will work have set working patterns that will see a room or building being painted in the correct whereas a handyman will just paint and get it done

4 - Painters have formal safety training and are more conscious of the dangers of working at height and the likes whereas hangmen generally do not undergo any safety training

For an expert painting company contact Lally Decorators for more