
News from Lally Decorators, Commercial Painting and Decorating Company in Dublin

There are lots of Painting Contractors. Why use Lally Decorators?

In Dublin there are lots of painting contractors and like every line of work some are better than others. The difference with Lally Decorators is that we know what we’re good at and what we like to do.

As company we specialise is painting existing commercial, industrial and educational buildings. There are loads of project we get offered that we decline because they’re not for us as we prefer to spend our time on the projects that bring us a immense sense of satisfaction.

We have very strong project planning and project management skills meaning all elements of each project are organised in advance of works commencing on site. This ensures that each project is successfully executed to a high standard!

Our team of on-site painters are clean, neat and tidy and relish every opportunity to show off their talents and illustrate what they can achieve with filler & paint. As our portfolio of work shows, our team are expert at transforming old and not so old buildings! They even hoover up after themselves!

If you like our approach and the tone of what we have to say, drop us a note by emailing admin@lally.ie and we will discuss your project from there